City Of York SACRE: Development Plan 2020 – 2022

Priority 1: Maintain the profile of SACRE and develop RE

Target: Raise awareness of and support for the work of City of York SACRE and RE as a subject

Intended Impact: Schools understand and engage with the work of SACRE and recognise the importance of RE



People involved


 Monitoring and Evaluation

The SACRE website is reviewed and refreshed on a regular basis  to ensure that content is meaningful, informative and up-to-date


Members of SACRE

Clerk to SACRE

SACRE clerk costs

Monitor responses to SACRE website

Appoint a new SACRE Chair and commission an adviser to SACRE

Summer 2020

Members of SACRE

Commissioning costs for SACRE adviser


Continue to review the membership of SACRE to ensure that it continues to represent all significant Faith groups in York and to increase the number of teachers


Members of SACRE

Teacher cover costs

SACRE membership includes all significant Faith groups in York and increased number of teachers

Review the terms of reference for SACRE York and key documents to support SACRE members

Autumn 2021

Chair of SACRE

LA Adviser support SACRE

Members of SACRE



Support Holocaust Memorial Day by SACRE representation on organising committee


Chair of SACRE

Members of SACRE

LA Adviser to attend HMD meetings

Contribution reviewed on an annual basis by SACRE

Review evaluations from schools and HMD partners.

Continue to attend the NASACRE AGM to represent York SACRE


Members of SACRE

Meeting fee and travel costs

SACRE members attending to report back to SACRE


Introduce  monitoring programme of RE provision in schools


Chair of SACRE

Members of SACRE

Meeting costs

Evaluations from Heads and Governors

Agreed Syllabus Review


Members of SACRE

Commissioning costs for new Agreed Syllabus


SACRE to respond to the recommendations of key partners and identify key priorities for CYC


Members of SACRE




Priority 3: Agreed Syllabus Review

Agreed Syllabus Review


Members of SACRE

Commissioning costs for new Agreed Syllabus


Feedback from schools on current syllabus

Summer 2020

Members of SACRE



Contact RE today re recommissioning Agreed Syllabus

Autumn 2020

Chair of SACRE and LA Adviser to SACRE



Agreed Syllabus Conference


SACRE members and teachers



Launch reviewed Agreed Syllabus

Summer 2021


Launch conference costs


Support and monitor implementation of reviewed Agreed Syllabus


SACRE members




Priority 2: Contribute to the development of  a professional CPD programme to develop the quality of R.E. teaching

Target: R.E. teachers are provided with high quality professional development which meets their needs and supports the delivery of the agreed syllabus

Intended Impact: The quality of R.E. teaching in the City of York is consistently good or better



People involved


 Monitoring and Evaluation

Work with partners to maintain a professional development programme for R.E. teachers in York



Pathfinder TSA


Course costs

Teacher evaluations

Continue annual conferences for Primary and Secondary teachers



Pathfinder TSA

NATRE adviser

Conference costs


Identify 'RE Good Practice schools ' to support the sharing of effective practice.


Initially RE Quality Mark  schools



Monitor the teaching of RE through monitoring programme as in priority 1.


Secondary and Primary SPOs

LA Adviser


Monitoring visits to schools